Help needed with grant steering wheel!

That's a little too broad. I think most of the aftermarket wheels will fit, that's what the install kits are for.
So, pick the wheel you like first and then get the correct kit to put it on.
I used a Grant 201 steering wheel, a 3314 kit and a 5690 horn button. Download their catalog here:

Now, do I like it? Sort of. The chrome spokes are pretty sharp, and the holes in the wood where the rivets are are also pretty sharp. It takes some getting used to because I find I am holding the wheel differently than I do the padded wheel in my truck. Also, the horn button. I have it sitting here in front of me right now, I need to peel off the Mopar sticker and reposition it. When it is mounted on the wheel it sits a few degrees off. It doesn't show up in the picture very well, but with the wheels straight ahead, the wheel spoke is straight down, the horn button is at about the 6:30 position. Just enough to be noticeable. I do like the old school look of it though.