Show your slant 6 a body!

yeah. you got the barracuda and the Signet 2-door / convertables. we got the ute. who's the winner here?
note that the ute doors are sedan-length, not the longer ones you folks have . . .

I know one block who mated a T4 adaptor to a stock /6 exhaust manifold. it would'a worked, but he never completed the turbo install.

i personally grew up in a world where superchargers rule and turbos simply didn't exist (seen Mad Max / the Road Warrior? i'll tell you it ain't a turbo wastegate thats peeping through the bonnet of his black interceptor!!!!)

i've seen kits to jam an SC14 supercharger onto a Ford straight six or GM V6.
for a /6 far as i can see, it's all about a bracket to get the pulley lined up, and getting the right pulley ratio's to get the blower spinning to the right PSI. After that, it's just making sure the air/fuel mixture is right and is being directed smoothly into the intake manifold . . .
i know it's a small blower designed to go on a 2litre four-pot. but from what i've even 6 > 8 pounds would light up a stock /6, huh?