New LED tail lights 69 Cuda
Yes Dan is right, but the rule is wrong. Common sense should be able to apply that we don't need another stupid government certification and allowance from the king that we can replace the lights in the back of our 40 year old cars. You give away your liberty when you even entertain that such a folly of allowance from the federal government is necessary. Could somebody please point out the article in the constitution that prohibits an individual from changing the rear bulbs on his 67 Barracuda to freaking elf made laser beam lava lamps if he wants? The fear of litigation is equally disturbing. trust me lawyers and insurance companies will find a way no matter how many tests you think you have done. A good lawyer would be able to put you at cause for driving a 40 year old car even if the thing was 100% factory. It's the job of the citizen jurors to use a little common sense. That and we need torte reform bad to discourage silly lawsuits in the first place!
So Dan is right, but God bless you Sebastian for supplying a product people want regardless of what some Washington yahoo says is OK.