New LED tail lights 69 Cuda

If your telling me that the standard 1157 bulb is better then this LED panel then you must be blind. Have any of you ever purchased a set of Digi-Tails? A lot of people on the internet like to talk about products as if they actually used them before. Well I have and a blind man could see that these lights are legit.

Have you actually READ this thread? Apparently, you're just ignoring what you don't want to hear.

For the purpose of certification and legality, neither your subjective opinion nor mine are relevant.

ONE MORE TIME, certification is not a simple measurement of brightness. It's light measured at numerous angles and conditions using special equipment, not determined by some guy in a lab coat with a clipboard just watching it flash. Just because you don't understand why it's so important doesn't mean that it isn't important.

If you and I are standing on the street and a car drives by, I might guess the car was traveling 30 mph, and you might guess 80 mph. Neither estimate matters, only a mechanical speed detector could make the correct determination. Otherwise, why would cops use speed guns? They could just "guesstimate" who's speeding and who's not.

That's exactly what it's like living in several less-developed countries. Laws like this are what separates us from them, and I'm THANKFUL for these laws, even when they "inconvenience" me or my hobby.