Steering Column/Gauge Cluster Help

Thanks to all of your input, I got the column dropped and gauge cluster out w/o incident.

The bulbs look fine, plugs/connectors seem OK. Other than the turn signals/hazard, none of the other bulbs work. The bulb for the ashtray (I's just hanging down near the ash tray, and aftermarket gauges light up fine. So looks like I got to dig deeper (wiring schematics here I come! [-o<). I did find a crapload of cut wires behind the cluster, but not sure what they are yet....Taking deep, calming breaths to get ready for the upcoming fun. Here's a few pictures that should make most of you feel better about your cars LOL!

Also, does the Speedo cable just slip over that nipple in the first pic?Gonna order a cable but want to make sure I know what to look for.

Thanks again, and I welcome any troubling shooting suggestions.

Will keep you posted,