ok i need some help

i will explain this one more time. i have the very same exact valve covers as you can see in my engine shot on the last page. that is a 360. they have two oil fillers and i had to knock out one of the holes for my pcv. my pcv goes directly to the carb.i dont even use a breather at all. i dont need one, sure i could use one, but i dont want one. the pcv has to be operational. when they get old, moisture and oil get up inside them and clog them up, thus forcing crankcase pressure out of the dipstick tube and any where else it can find a way out. the carburetor vacuum sucks the pressure out of the crankcase through the pcv. without these parts in good working order you will get blowby everywhere else but into the combustion chambers and out of the exhaust. i PROMISE if you went and bought a new pcv, and hooked it directly to the carb, , just like my set-up, you will never blow the dipstick tube out. a breather allows draw of pressure through the pcv to the carb. a breather is a good idea, but not combined in the same cap with the pcv. if you look at 70s post he has two oil caps/breathers AND a pcv. this is a good set-up