My hiding place!

That's an amazing Hiding Place, and its always wise to keep the Senior Manager happy.
Thanx, and yes it's a must to keep her happy! :thumbrig:

Very nice indeed! The in-floor heat is a must and the second floor storage is a great idea too. tmm
Thanx, I haven't decided whether it is storage or a pool table and pinball will be up there!! :D

I saw the "boss" and her 2 cronies looking the place over. I think one of dem cronies was looking for a spot for his pillow bed!!! Nice place, real nice!! And I like the outdoor scenery, plenty of space between neighbors to make grinding noises well after hours!!!
Hope you get all moved in soon, I would be dying to do so!! Geof
Thanx, ya the cronies have claimed spots already! As for moving in, yes I'm dying to get going! :D