Whats the best time for a factory stock duster 1/4 miles ??

One BIG problem is, "you cannot trust the old magazine times."

One day, during a break, I was leafing through a car mag somewhere between 70-74. I don't remember which one, but it was a popular one, "Hot Rod", "Popular Hotrodding", "Car Craft," etc, etc

WAY in the back of the mag was a box similar to an advertisement

It went something like this:

"XXXXXXX Magazine admits we sometimes "factor" car times and trap speeds. This is because we often test vehicles under less than ideal conditions, and tires, weather, or maybe the car was a beat "demo" mule, etc, leads us to believe "the car" could have done better. We apolo...bla..bla. bl bla bla bla."

Not to mention the driver can make a huge difference,either way. He could for example,do a burn out and smoke the clutch,then go do the 1/4 run and not even know the clutch was affected.

Or just plain bog the car off the line..