Drive the last mile...

There is a difference between hitting the bottom and needing someone to talk to and someone that tells stories, lies, plays the victim, and expects everyone to play into his drama. Those of you that are saying that maybe he just needed someone to talk to obviously have never spent time talking to him in chat or facebook. At first, he was a cool cat, but then he started BS'ing everything and what not. He didn't really talk much about cars that I recall, all he wanted to do was talk about girls or whatever. He even threatened to beat people up on the chat forum. I really don't know why he was here. He didn't have a car and I am not sure he really cared for them. He was here to get attention and thats the only reason.

I have also hit rock bottom before and know that when you need someone to talk to, talking to someone makes all the difference. But I also knew making **** up ("I run moonshine to Canada") is not going to get you anywhere.

The quote in Old Man Rays sig fits him well. "If you can't Dazzle them with brilliance. Then Baffle them with Bullshit." The problem is, is most people can see threw the bullshit. Plane and simple. He just needs to grow his *** up (as do a lot of us (including me)for keeping this going).

Not going to lie though, it is entertaining. :)

Seth, If you're reading this. Good luck and take this as a lesson. There is a reason people in your real life don't want to talk to you or hang out. The same reasons that a lot of people here in the cyber community don't. No one likes a fibber.