Hope Lives On!!

To All A Body Lovers,
It has been awhile since I visited or posted anything on this site. It was not because I didn't want to or that anyone pushed me away. I had my life take a different direction this year. Instead of finishing the engine for the 61 Lancer, I had way too many visits to Dr's. I discovered a lump in my neck in March. For the record, the statisics show that 90%+ of all lumps in the neck of adults are cancerous. Yep, mine was too. This is my second round of neck cancer so I knew what to expect. What I didn't expect was the place I would have the tumor removed. I found the City of Hope Cancer Center in Duarte, California. I now know that if I ever have another tumor I will only go one place for treatment. It was a great experience as cancer treatment experiences go. They treated me like a King. Including giving me anything I wanted to eat at all hours of the day and night. It is the place ot go if you ask me.

Now to all of you out there who may not relate to this post. I was going through life without a care in the world two years ago when this hit me. It completely changed my life then and it is reshaping me still. My priorites have changed and I now look at life differently. Better appreciating the things that matter most. I offer the following advise. If you suddenly feel different or notice a change in your body. Don't do the man thing and ignore it. It can kill you. Get it checked out and know what you face good or bad. So there you have it. Take it or leave it. I just am glad that I am feeling better and should be back to playing with cars soon. I'll keep you posted on what I decide to build now that I may have less time to build something. I may only get one more shot and want to build something that has meaning to me and my wife. Bye for now.

Hemi Man Dan