Hope Lives On!!

Great message and advice, Glad you are doing so well. My buddy just passed away a couple days ago (heart attack} at the age of 49. Your right, life around you or things that happen to you do and SHOULD make you appreciate life more but so many people don't get the message.
My father passed away 4 years ago from esophagus cancer caused by years of being obese, eating the wrong foods, little exercise, and never going to a doctor for his constant heart burn. A visit to the doctor and some Nexium may well have prolonged his life.

I have lost 40 pounds and go for a 4 mile walk almost everyday and lift weights because of the message I got when I saw my father die. I to was having heartburn and no energy because I was so out of shape and obese.

A couple years ago I also passed on the message to my buddy that just died. He was obese and having a lot of related health problems. He either did not listen to my message or did not have the ability to make the changes to improve his health.

Anyhow, thanks again for the message and motivation. It can help some of us who are paying attention.