Hope Lives On!!

Thanks for sharing your story. It's important for people to hear from their peers about these things. Hiding from it, or denying it, will kill you.

About 4 years ago, my father was diagnosed with prostate cancer, and had prostate surgury. So far he's been fine, and cancer free.

In 1994 I was visiting my father in North Carolina, and was rear ended by a drunk driver. I had x-rays of my neck, and they noticed shadows that weren't supposed to be there. I had tumors on my thyroid, and had it removed. I'm a 13 year cancer survivor, but I still have yearly testing. Before getting into the accident I wouldn't even go near a doctor's office. "Me get sick? YA RIGHT!!!". Too much damn testosterone in the room. I guess getting in the accident saved my life.
Stay positive, and get checked regularly. Regards, Tim.