I have a question for everyone

I read into the OP's original post that he was unhappy with comments made here on the site concerning either his car, or maybe a few comments directed at other peoples cars as he was reading through some other posts. If thats the case, he must have caught the few posts that may have sounded that way, but I don't think that is the tone on the site at all. Many's the time I've seen a newcomer introduce his car and get all positive reviews regardless of the condition or style of restoration. I think the site is one of the friendliest places to share our hobby, hands down!! I hope he wasn't offended by a post somewhere here on the site, that's just not the way we usually roll!!

As for the "car show" problem.... I haven't been to an actual "car show" in a number of years now, but I hit a lot of cruise-in's where the atmosphere is usually much more friendly. It seems that all marque car shows are few and far between around here, but cruise-in's are all the rage. Maybe the OP would enjoy the cruise-in atmosphere, and besides, it gives you a reason to drive your car everyday!!!

Just sayin'!! Geof