what would my car bring in YOUR area??

the closest somewhat comparable cars i've seen have run from 6K to about 15K....that's why I was asking....i have yet to see one close enough to compare directly

and i guess it's more of a "in three years" question....i plan on having it at least that long, and I have always figured $1000-1500 write-off per year of ownership

i get that by taking a typical price (like 3,000, for example) and figuring on a loan payment type scenario....typically 3 years....
so i just figure that if i had to take out a loan for it, and it was a 3 year loan, then i can write off the purchase price after 3 years.....and the total invested minus the original purchase price, and then some more for parts and mileage depreciation would be a good price to get IF i were to sell it...

anyway...the whole issue is pretty hypothetical.....there's probably someone out there that would think 12K was a good price....then again, some people wouldn't pay 3K......just rambling on about rough value, on average