I have a question for everyone

My wife and I love car shows.. When we first started dating that was one of the first things we did together.. I didnt even own the Dart yet... I just love to walk around and look... I love what people do with their vehicles.. (Im not real fond of the nut jobs that do donuts and burnouts in a shopping center parking lot car show with a gazzillion kids walking around tho... but thats another thread) ... I like seeing the creativity.. Doesnt matter to me make or even model.. I mean I am a Mopar lover and I tend to gravitate to those more, but I like em all.. I like seeing the survivors, 100 point show cars, total customs, crazy paint, big blowers... I mean whatever your cup of tea is, I dont knock it and never will.. Some things are for me and some arent.. I will never walk up to anyones car and point out all thats wrong, or what wouldnt have come on that car, bla bla bla.. I have met some real f#cktards at car shows, but I have also met a ton of cool people as well.. I have had people talk trash on my Dart.. especially in its early stages... I mean anyone thats seen the 'buggy' thread knows its a 69 Dart that I ran 68 fenders on for years, multi colored, and all that... It was originally a grandma grocery gettin /6.. Now a V8, 727, 8.75 with .355's,,,, it was originally B3 blue, now its B5 blue... etc etc.. you get the idea LOL ... Like so many others have said, its MY car, and I am building it to make me happy.. for my wife and I to enjoy.. No one commisioned me to build it for them LOL .. So while I respect others opinions, and even ask for them from time to time, its still my car and my opinion is the only one that really counts... Everyone has their own niche.. I appreciate and respect them all.. build it how ya want it, and enjoy the hell out of it... life is short..