Duncan Kieth suspended

I'll go back to Canadian Football. It's bone crushing enough. Or I'll simply watch LIVE HOCKEY at my local arena. The Trail Smokies arent a great team,but that level of hockey is very entertaining to watch!

I've had enough of the results manipulation through non call's and vague rules interpretations. It's bullshit to watch a fast player get hooked and miss his shot on net,while the player performing the hook skates off scott free.

It's unjust. Skilled player's need to be free of fear from a 265 lb monster smashing thier heads in and ending thier carreer.

I'd like to put Bettman on skates with the likes of Ott or somebody just as brutal. He needs a taste of his own medicine.I'll bet his head would come around really quick to my way of thinking whilst he's laid up in the hospital,lol...