My 70 Dart

I got new 8.5mm wires in, but same old tired coil. Car does run, but bogs when I give it gas. See the picture, the vacuum advance is cranked way over so far that I can't leave the coil on the intake. If I move farther ccw it will die and be hard to turn over. Sign to me that it is too far advanced. If I turn it to far cw it starts easier until it backfired and died. I think I got it somewhere in the middle. I NEED to get a timing light! I did notice on the distributor that the tang does not line up with the rotor. But it does start. I'm thinking it's the old crappy gas from last summer, about nine months old. When it sits for a while it will start and run ok, I can even work the throttle with no problem, but when it gets warmer, fugetaboutit. Almost forgot, I put a new fuel filter in and the thing filled up right away. I can't remember, do these carbs have a filter in them? Thanks.