sandblasting engine

Anything you use besides engine degreaser will ruin the front and rear seal and the intake gasket ends if not careful. Do not use media on the engine ever. Once sand gets in its done. you will never get it out with out complete disassembly. and hot tank and presure washer. Sand or glass will eat that motor up so fast you may not save the crank. put a wire wheel on a slow drill. . There is no quick way to clean motors.

I just did my 340 I stripped it to a bare block and used 15 cans of Walmart Carb cleaner an the wire wheel . It eats the paint right off. I will be posting it on my duster ground up thread. I am glad I ripped it down . It had a crushed rod bearing and worn thrust bearing. Gasket kits are cheap compared to a new motor. I would tear it down. I put many so called good motors in just to find out they were not worth the labor to install them. Do it right at least check the rod bearings The thrust and replace the oil pump.