Are our Slants "Unsafe"?

I got no problem keeping this thread running that is until certain members want to make comments like the one quoted below.

""""""It's a worthwhile topic of discussion even though I think the bed wetting handwringing nannies out there need to dial it back on worrying about what other people might or might not be doing, eating, driving, saying or thinking."""

Unfortunatily it's comments like that that'll get this thread locked as they only attract other argumentative responses and back and forth we go.:sad1:

That was not in reference to anyone here or any of the comments posted. If that is the way you took it, my apologies.

It has been the general tendency to legislate away anything someone deems unsafe or unappealing to themselves, so therefore no one else should be doing it.

That attitude is out there like it or not. There has been a war on the automobile going on for decades ["Insolent Chariot", "War Against The Automobile"] as well as motorcycles and especially the choice of individuals to drive their own vehicle rather than take public transport.

And you certainly cannot legislate or design passive safety into any vehicle such that every single possible event can be anticipated.

Old cars are not as safe as new cars. Safer than a bike or a motorcycle. New cars not as safe as an SUV nor is an SUV safe against an 18 wheeler.

There will always be a vehicle newer, larger and more crashworthy than yours out there unless of course, the "nannies" decree that all vehicles travel the roads at the same speed and are only available in one size and weight. And of course anything older than 10 years is banned from the road because these vehicles are "unsafe".

It's a doomsday scenario,yes, but witness the food and language police .

As I said:dialing it back and letting common sense dictate what precautions to take, allowing individuals to gauge what their level of risk they want to take in their everyday lives is what my statement was intended to project.

I respect the opinion and choices of the individuals on this site far more than does some professional worrier who has no clue deciding for any of us what we drive, eat, or say.