starter bike???

hey guys,

i want to get a sport bike for the summer, i am a new rider and need to learn.

i know alot of you guys ride and was wondering what your thoughts are in the size of bike for a beginner.

the biggest i would go is 600 but is that too much for someone like me who is just stating?

i was looking at 250's but that seems really small to me.

i would like something newer too.

so what are youre thoughts?

as always thanks in advance

you have never ridden before. never even rode a dirt bike with a clutch. i say get the sport bike out of your head until you get some miles under your belt. the 250 is a pig. really have to use the upper rpms to get it moving. at least thats how the ones i rode were. a 600 i think a new rider can easily get into trouble on. personally i think your better off with a cheap used cruiser. something like a 600-750 cruiser bike until you get experience. also like stated take a class on riding too.. you don't want to be killed because of a stupid mistake.