starter bike???

No Sports bike for you! Sorry, Just my opinion because I like you and want you to live. I Know I know, I'm pissing on his parade. Sorry please don't get mad at me. I highly Recommend a Dual Sport for a first bike. I love My Kawasaki KLX-250-S. You can drive off road & on road. It handles like a dream and is light enough to pick up if you go down. You can get all your experience off road and then hit the streets after most of the cars have parked for the night. If you have to go street right away then go for a cruiser.

Duel sports are a good way to get into the sport, except for one thing, a 250 duel sport will get you ran over on the interstate 65-70 mph speeds.
Plus is the used value stays up.
Negative is it has a hard time to keep up with legal speed limits, which may be good for a new rider, and they are tall in seat height.

250 Kawasaki ninga runs great, we started my buddies girlfriend on one, she learned quick and rode safe.
The plus on the ninga it is cheap to buy used, a couple of year old ones go for 1/2 retail. And it will run well above legal speed limits.
Neagitive is if you buy new expect it to loose 1/2 its value in a couple of years.