Medical marijuana

All dispenceries I have ever seen in CA have low lifes dumb asses hanging around inside and outside.
The grey area regulation process that is happening now just them attract illegal behavior.

A little while back a legal grower out in the country near me had registered to grow like 400 plants. He got killed by 5 asian gang member kids who drove out from SAC to the farm, with machine guns, 2 vehicles and bullet proof vests. The local sherrif dept actually caught 3 of the 5 by running them off the road and kicking their dumb asses. When the property was searched there was 1000 plants. So he was selling loads of pot illegally. I got this info from several local news papers . So, the growing process is guaranteed to attract criminals who are either in business with the grower or trying to eliminate the grower.

My poor old dad was dying and grew 7 plants in hawii as he had a medical card. Some **** bags came in the middle of the night and stole them. His friend had a number of plants and was beaten, robbed and his grow operation destroyed by gang members.

The grey area regulation of MJ propagates and enables crime. I guarantee that if a dispencerie goes in you will have an increase in **** bags, shady people, and low lifes traveling thru, hanging out, and just bringing a bad element into the neighborhood or area where it opens up.

I agree that it should be just like a pack of cigarettes and controlled the same way. If people want to be high they can just get a pack of MJ smokes and do their thing.

I have heard people say that if there ware a pack of marijuana cigs at the local store people would mostly stop producing it and buying it from underground and shady type sources. I agree with the taxes.
Dispensaries get robbed, attract criminals and a bad element. F that.