Medical marijuana

its all in ones opinion, mine, I figure its like this;

walk into a bar and say "your all a bunch of drunks!" you get you butt handed to you

walk into a smoke ring or somebodies den and say "your all a bunch of pot heads!" you will get laughed at and agreed with :la:

point is that the most damaging drugs are the legal ones...we have a huge prescription drug problem here in MI and I have seen 3 break ins a week locally for several months...young breaking into the old's house to get their med's.....crazy do these guys know they aren't taking heart nitrates or estrogen pills? and how about the ones who are sniffing bath salts?...I mean for real...BATH SALT...sheesh's your life ultimately and you have to make your own decisions.:oops: But I'll tell ya one thing..."I'll never smoke weed with Willy again." :D