Medical marijuana

The fact is, I've never seen somebody ruin their life because of MJ. People don't steal and kill to get a fix of MJ. The crimes that involve it, wouldn't be, if it were legal. When I was in college, I had an awesome Psychology professor. He showed us one of the only unbiased studys done on MJ use. Meaning it wasn't done by NORML or by an anti drug fund... There are only three side effects from use, other than the good feeling. Short term memory loss(obvious one), Paranoia, and Oral Communication. No long term effects what so ever. There were even no effects on an unborn child or the woman who smoked during pregnancy. 95% of anti drug commercials are paid for by pharmaceutical or tobacco companies. Kind of ironic huh. My favorite is the one that says one marijuana cigarette is the equivalent to smoking 5 reg. cigarettes. Really, a plant, with no additives or tobacco with over a hundred added chemicals, ammonia and arsenic just to name a couple, that kills millions of people a year. There is not one documented death because of MJ. I smoked it for years... I don't now cause I have a family but I don't see the problem with it.