Stock 1972 Dart 318 timing

That is just initial timing to get you close. You need to install a timing tape on your balancer so that you can see the total mechanical plus initial timing up to 40 degrees. They are a few bucks at mopar dealer in mopar perf catalogue. Install the tape on your balancer, then check again with the vacuum advance pluged and bring the idle up on your carb to 2000-2500. This will give you your total mechanical. If you adjust your timing now to around 32-34 degrees then you should be pretty close. Then bring your idle back down to where you want it. Should run fairly well at this point, then I would adjust the carb mixture and idle speed again. I would mark this timing spot on my cap and distributer for future reference. Then if the engine is still off you can advance or retard it a hair from your marks to fine tune your timing.