TCI 904 Sizzler ?????

I've got a TCI Breakaway 2500 Stall In my Dart. It does it's job, no complaints.

I've done my share of research and all torque converters get their parts from the same small pool of manufacturers. Once you cut through the gossip, it becomes clear that it's 6 of one way half dozen of the other for off the shelf converters. Custom made?? Another story.

I know I'll have my share of rabblers, I just haven't seen conclusive evidence that TCI sucks Mopar or otherwise.

Proof is in the puddin'. :burnout:

If you re-read the thread you'll see we're talking about transmissions, not converters. I haven't heard many of complaints about their converters but I sure have read a bunch of complaints about their transmissions being junk.