My Stepfather Passed Last Night
Been watching my stepfather fade very quickly over the past week. Of course, at 90 years old things like that happen. Unfortunately he lived too far away to be able to visit everyday but I did go see him and spend some time with him last Saturday and planned to go see him again this weekend.
He passed last night just before midnight and is now at peace and free from pain.
My natural father died suddenly when I was only 7. My mom re-married when I was 11, so Bob had been my "dad" for a lot of years. My mom's been gone for over 20 years now.
His family was one of the early orange ranchers in Orange County here in SoCal. His original family home is only a couple of blocks from me with a couple of the original orange trees still on the portion of property that's still left. In fact, my home is on property that was originally part of his grandfathers orange ranch.
Thanks to my "FABO family" for being there while so many memories come rushing back.