Clay bar,how to

Correct. We clay every detail at my shop.

we start by foaming the entire car up, We you one of those plant feeder you hood to your garden house but instead of plant food fill the jar with soapy water. It will make lots of suds, Suds up the entire car and let it sit for a minute or 2. That will help loosen stuck on dirt, rinse the car off. Then wash the car with a clean mitt. Start at the top of the car and work your way down. Use 2 buckets, 1 with soapy water, one with clean water to rinse your sponge with.

Rinse the entire car again. Now take your soapy sponge and one panel at a time soap it up and start claying. Kneed the clay bar often, If you drop it toss it.

Seems like a lot of pre washing but it will keep you from rubbing a gritty clay bat across your paint. Your is probably pretty clean though so you can skip the foaming step.