I got the engine and transmission into the car this past weekend and everything hooked up smoothly. The past two days I have been trying to get the car running, but have ran into several problems. The first problem was that the car was just spinning over with no compression. So after making a tool to prime the oil pump with. (An alan wrench welded to a piece of rebar to stick into a drill). Not ideal, but it works just fine. After getting this figured out I was getting spark out of the coil going to the distributer, but not going to the plugs. I put my new plug wires on, but still had no spark. I took off the distrubter cap and checked everything and all was good. I have electronic ignition and the gap was set right and everything was clean and looked good. So I put it all back in and checked it again, still no spark. After doing this two or three times it finally got spark, so I guess one of the wires just wasn't happy somewhere. I was not able to figure out which wire it was, but it is all very old wiring and needs to be replaced. I will be replacing all this wire very soon. So once I started to get spark I started to adjust timing to try and get it to start. I adjusted and adjusted, but was not able to get it running. I tried putting the distributer both ways (Rotating it 180 degrees) just in case I got it mixed up. Still with it only firing every now and then and not being able to get it started I started to think that maybe I got the gear the distributer rides on off. I will be checking this tomorrow. And I forgot to mention that it is getting fuel as well.