X pipe vs H pipe

Doesn't matter what the firing order is, unless you're firing two cylinders on the same bank one after another. And since no one does that, it doesn't matter..

Last time I checked my firing order It was 1, 8,4, 3, 6, 5,7, 2.. I believe all mopar and gm fire this way 8 and 4 on the right. 5 and 7 on the left. one after another. So now what? Does it matter now? You must have an X on your ride or are dreaming of getting one. X-pipes are a waist of money My car wouldn't pull past 7500 with an X. 9000 with and H and its right up against the rev. limiter It goes up so quick it sees 9300 on the recall with the rev set a 9000. X pipes are an intersection of exhaust interuption. Its a no brainer when two masses cross paths there is a conflict of flow. you idiots just keep believing what you want. I will never install an X on my Cars. Only on yours and as many as I can $$$$$$$$$