compression ratio + pump gas

9.5:1 c.r. is borderline on 92 octane . I'd gamble that if the engine doesn't run too hot or have too many burrs and-or carbon "spikes" , that you may be okay with that c.r. / octane combo .

There are many factors involved in determining what pump-octane to use .
92 octane is the "R+M/2" (or "AKI") number .
In the old days , this same gas was rated at 97 octane ; the MON (Motor Octane Number) .

Look at the c.r.'s of practically every high-perf engine around (10:1 +) . In the old days , that c.r. would've dictated 96-98 octane (91-93 "AKI" rating) ; but with piston dome shape , combustion chambre shape , spark plug placement , variable cam timing , better cooling and aluminum heads , 10:1 is okay on 87 octane (!!).

Is higher octane gas ( 95-100 octane) readily available in your area ?