Gryzynx 1 Grim reaper 0

I am a fortunate man.

Some may have noticed I have not been very active in the past year or so. The reason is that my health has been failing. Sleep apnea and general fatigue/depression have been taking their toll. Easter weekend, I fell victim to a sore throat that just did not get better. By Easter Sunday, I was in the hospital emergency with breathing difficulties. Sent home after a throat swap and painkillers, I fought this thru till Tuesday when my doctor's office opened. Tests were ordered including a soft tissue xray, and my doctor found some unexplainable swelling under my tongue. Visual inspection revealed nothing, but my voice was starting to drown and that is a danger sign. I was ordered back to the emergency ward and I was air ambulanced into Vancouver to see an ENT specialist. CT scan revealed a vallecular cyst 5 cm in diameter on the back of my tongue. That's a pool ball stuck in your throat. 2 hours of surgery later, I am a new man. I feel 20 years younger. I can breath thru my nose and fill my lungs for the first time in years. Apparantly, this cyst was noted 15 years ago during a different procedure and was deemed to not be a problem at the time.

I am, of course, overjoyed by this development and just wanted to share the good news.

Now, if you will excuse me, I have some Barracuda's to build.