What is it with ebay threads in the for sale section???

Hope about ,we just get rid of the General Discussion thread but that would be counter productive for need prayers and stuff...
Now ,How about back to more important things and maybe some MOPAR discussions...
I might not be in a very good mood just got raped by Uncle Sam and was thinking if I owned this site I would not be qualified I would need a degree in patience and would have to have run a successful baby sitting job or day care chain....BOO HOO
I,m taking abit of offence to this response(prayers needed,other important things?)as I recently started a thread for prayers needed for my dying mother(RIP)Starting a thread asking for prayers saved me from PMing many members/friends and helped me through the tough times.Sometime we have to drop our daily duties to concentrate on lifes courses.One day you will need prayers also and will be here asking for them.Sorry for off-topic rant.