'05 9.25 rear rebuildable?

Supershafts, It didn't make any noise until it broke... I didn't get any warning. The pinion nut doesn't look like it's backed off at all... when I "flop" the driveshaft around by hand the pinion moves everywhere the yoke does, no slop between the two. I'm not taking it to a shop. This will be an in driveway repair/replacement.
My question is about the housing, and any other parts that I should consider replacing. Would it be better to replace the whole rear end or just rebuild the one I have? If I'm going to rebuild the one I have what do I need to check to be certain my housing is ok?

Something had to make noise, even if the bearing failed or exploded and the nut didn't back off it made noise before just locking up.
Has anyone else had there hands in that rear?

Take the driveshaft off and see whats going on, at this point how can you be certain the nut didn't back off, whether the main pin bearing failed or the nut backed off grabbing the shaft will have the same effect and it will move up and down and in and out, remove the shaft and then take the cover off.

On the internet there is no way i or anyone else can tell you what exactly you may need, i couldn't tell you what you need until you got to me to see it and this is something i do all the time.