Positive diplacement Chargers, and blowthrough carbs?

Has anyone done this?
I have a small drawthrough set up with a roots blower and a holley carb.
A mate of mine is doing a similar thing, but he seems hell bent on going blowthrough.
I've explained to him what needs to be done to his carburator to support blowthrough. BUt the more I think about it, the less plausible to whole propostion sounds.
With there being no TB of any kind on the supercharger intake, the blower is always going to pump X amount of boost. (X being whatever the pulley ratios are geared to produce) But if the throttle is closed, (And the engine is consuming almost no air) then the boost is going to soar. And I would expect the gaskets in the carb will capitulate. As well as the piping will blow off.
The fitment of a decent sized BOV might help. But another freind of mine who runs a blowthrough set up with efi (And again no TB on the blower intake) has this. And when he lifts off the gas, ALL the charge from the blower passes out the BOV. It sounds like 10,000 duck callers, all at once going through a one million watt megaphone.
I've seen plenty of turbo set ups with blowthrough. But without the physical link between the engine and pump (IE the belt) the pump stops pumping. (Plus you can deadhead a turbo)
What do you guys reckon? Anyone done it?