tryin to talk mom into it
racing is going to cost more than you think and your going to tear up your car. are there any high school drags in you area? when i was in high school we had a catagory and raced for a sholarship....if there is no purpose like that....then maybe you might consider waiting till your a little older and have a bigger budget for suitable race equip..........i myself would go with the second option bcoz you have a cool car that would make an awesome street car and first car. maybe im a little biased bcoz i was very young when i got my duster and if my arms were long enough i would hug what im saying is that racing is fun and can serve a purpose......but it is very very expensive, and your going to tear up the car. so make sure your ok with A. tearing up the car. and B. the cost....and last it should really serve a purpose at your age.