Anyone tried one of these HEI Distributors?

So no reported failures but it's still junk

"No reported failures" with what…one whole data point? Two? C'mon. We're talking about likelihoods and reliabilities here. At least I am. If you want to have a different argument, you'll have to find someone else to have it with.

I still say if it were from Canada you would buy 2

Please refrain from putting words in my mouth, at least until after the first date.

If it were from a reputable manufacturer and had a good track record and were cost-effective compared to other options, I'd likely buy it no matter where it was made. If it were junk from Canada or America or Congo or England or the Despotic Republic of Elbonia I'd reject it just as quickly as I reject Chinese garbage.

As for Apple products being made in China: Yep, that's true. And Apple's name is on 'em, and Apple stands behind them, and they have an excellent reputation and track record for reliability. None of that can be said of no-name junk.

I'm not makin' this up, y'know. I've got years of experience as a product development manager in a few different automotive component fields. A product is not automatically junk because it comes from a particular country, nor is it automatically good just because it comes from some other particular country. But there are some countries, such as China, where you are practically guaranteed to get dog poop shaped like a distributor (carburetor, headlamp, whatever) unless you pick your job shop very carefully and do a lot of babysitting and supervision through the whole process. One of my standard tests when sourcing manufacture of a product was to send a detailed spec -- an unbuildable one -- to a bunch of candidate job shops. The ones who came back and said "Yes, yes, no problem, we can build it for you, sign here!" got rejected immediately. That was most of them. The (very) few who came back and said "We build the general kind of item you're looking for, but we need to talk about your spec because we see some problems" made it to the next stage of consideration. And I really mean "very few"; the ratio was about 50:1 at best. And this was within the last 5 years.

Another interesting tidbit that leads me to throw around that "no-name" phrase: You go to the auto parts trade shows -- doesn't matter whether it's AAPX in America, AutoMechanika in Europe or South America or Asia, whatever -- and you collect a couple of dozen product catalogues from "different" Chinese companies all offering the same general type of product (distributors, fuel pumps, headlamps, light bulbs, alternators, whatever). You bring them back to your hotel room at the end of the day and you spread them all out on the bed. They all have different front covers with different company names. They all have different inside front covers with a different paragraph about the history of the company. They all have different back covers with a picture of a different building. They're all printed in different colors and formatted differently. But the content is identical: the product photos, the part numbers, all exactly the same. The next day you go back around to the booths and you pick up samples from each "different" company and ask whether it's an in-house design and build or a purchase. Each and every boothkeeper claims his own company designed and built what you're holding, but at the end of the day you have a double-handful of identical items obviously from the same place. So who's lying? Usually all but one of them!
