Hot but Stable - Clutching at Straws

195deg thermostat made no real difference.
And out of interest,nailing it to 5500rpm in every gear makes no difference.
Temp reads stable but hot.

Here's my suggestions:

- Pusher fan may be blocking air flow, try removing it
- Higher temp thermostate (you are already trying this)
- Six blade water pump (8 blades may move water to fast through cooling system)
- Try lower heat range on spark plugs
- Engine running to lean, up jets one size
- Bump timing to 33-34 total

Lastly, new temp gauge or one of those infared heat guns aimed at base of thermostate housing will give you an acurrate reading of actual operating temp.

Thanks for suggestions.
Will try a few tomorrow since it's bed time over this side of the planet.