Nitrous and E-85

Thanks for the info BJR! I agree that straight methanol would be ideal, but this car will be used on the street every now and again. Here in Colorado, E-85 is becoming more readily availible and I have a station that sells it less than 3 miles away from me so that's the route I'd like to go. :thumbup: IIRC they're supposed to have 80 stations open here by the end of 2008.

I would imagine that the nitrous system you speak of (if it's on the monster in your avatar) would be of the multi-stage direct port injected style? Did the manufacturer supply you with the jetting information?

Thanks again!

No actually it was on a 482 BBC in a Ford mustang and we did this about 5years ago, the car in the avatar is on pure methanol only. PM me and I'll give you the info as to what we did as he was the 6.00 champ for 2 years then I pulled my stuff and he made over $100,000.00 in those years, racing in Ga., Tn., Al., and Fla., and NC, SC..
The setup should be close to what we had then, it will be a safe setup and should work great.