What ignition system will do me justice??

Yep...there has even been a few posts on here about it IIRC. I don't think it's Don's fault it's just crappy boxes from his supplier. Even with the people that say the MSD boxes fail I have heard of far less people being stranded with the MSD box vs the Mopar ECU's.......I mean how many times have you heard that you should carry and spare ECU and/or ballast resistor in the glove box.
I'm so freakin OLD school from being burned up by shoody part in the 80's, I still carry spare parts on long trips. Not just ignition.

7DUSTER3 said
Any thoughts of a mallory box and distributor?

Mallory has allways made fine stuff. They make distributors for alot of companys.

My experi. with MSD is simple, "NEVERA AGAIN!!!!!!! NEVER EVER EVER EVER EVER AGAIN!!!!!!"

Best I have ahd is the Jacobs Pro Street set up!
My biggest mistake, not keeping it!!!!!!!!!