Question About Sanding
I couldn't afford to have everything done. The car has been sitting in a field a long time. Extensive work. I like the idea of being hands on at every aspect. Helps me learn.
I have the plywood, long steel L brackets to go around every seam for reenforcement. The inside shelf, the blaster, double compressors, safety glass, pvc piping for arm holes, and either aluminum flashing or thin steel sheets to line the inside, shop light to place on top, heavy duty shop vac. And a few other things added in. It's being constructed on a aluminum table for convienence. It's going to be roughly 5'x4'x3.5'. Don't know if this size will work yet. I need the blaster to be big enough for large pieces like fenders.
Worked on building the door to the shed yesterday. Hubby was at work so I wanted it finished. I grabbed the saws and such and built it myself. Raining today so roof can't be finished. I want it done so I can start building MY csbinet!