Trade My Scamp

Take some time and really think about it. I've owned 2 other hot rods before I bought my Dart this summer. I've regreted selling both of them and I even put the Dart up for sale on Moparts. Got a couple inquiries then I thought. What the *bleep* am I doing? I bought this car for a reason, I've already put some blood, sweat, tears and $ into it in the short few months I've owned it, why am I selling it? Mostly because I wanted a Roadrunner all along before I found my Dart. Now getting into this whole A-body thing is addictive and I know if I sold it I'd regret forsure.

Hang onto your car. In 4 years, your son will be out of school, you'll have managed somehow to send him to school and still get around yourself in some sort of manner and you'll look back on this day and laugh, and be so glad you didnt get rid of your Scamp. You've put ALOT into that car, keep it. You'll be glad you did!