MSD mess

HAve you tested anything, of just connected wires? You need 12 volts (minimum 11 when cranking) at the large red, 12 volts while ignition key is in "start" or "run" positions a tthe small red wire, the coil + is IIRC orange, and black is coil -. Then the pickup or the white trigger wire. Now, to quick test, if you use the magnetic pickup (small black connector on MSD box), connect the two pins at the box's connector witha jumper wire. with the key on. When you break that connection, the unit should spark. If you use the white wire, ground the white wire, then remove it from ground. When you break the connection, the unit should spark. I take the coil wire off the cap for this and lay it near a solid ground for that test. No spark means either bad unit, or wiring issue.