Rear end
Agree with the above on getting a bit stronger rear end in the car (no puns please!). Funnily though the '73 Dart parts car I had was a V8 car and had the 7.5 in it, but there you go. Lasting wise I thought it a bit too light for my uses and so built for the future as it were with an 8.25 swap. The 8.75's, although great, were just too pricey for my pocket.
See if you have a UPull it or Pick N Pull type scrap yard there. I wanted to upgrade the rear on or '71 Dart to large bolt pattern and a stronger rear and contacted a few places (Mopar yards). Got quoted anywhere from $350 to $500 for an 8.25 rear. Been seeing prices from individuals on them going up too it seems. Either feast or famine on them. On the opposite side I've seen people post to come get them for free, but will not ship. Of course, always half way around the world from where I am.
I went to the local self serve yard and found a '75 Scamp with one in. Pulled it out and ended up paying $100 for it if I remember right. Redid the brakes, popped the cover and checked the gears (3.21)/changed the fluid and swapped it in.