Trade My Scamp

hey hillbilly i had read your post. i was waiting to see which way you were going to end up going with it. honestly i can understand your situation. i have seen it before with other guys both on here and in person. this not being your ideal car and wanting another. this car causeing you stress with the engine problem. well in looking at what you have vs. what you want you are miles ahead with what you have now. messed up engine or not. the car is solid, paint looks good, interior looks good, engine at least looks good and would be if the cam problem was gone. my take would to fix it! fix it now and enjoy it some. sit on it and get some fun out of it. then that puts you in a better frame of mind and a better position to trade it or sell it or what ever.....alot of time and money has been spent. to start over even with a car that "looks good" is going to cost you more. you know what you have and what is missing now. a new car may make you feel better now but it is going to put you back a few steps one way or the other. then you will be even more miserable then you think you are now!! step back away from it for a week or 2 or 3. then attack the problem with some professional help. that way if it is messed up again then they are responsible to fix it not you. but i think i would fix it with out a doubt to either sell it or trade it or just to be happy with it....just my 2 cents:headbang: