rant about the UNION

The unions are in bed with the companys anymore Think about it...If the workers are not working the unions are not collecting dues..Do you really belive YOU and your Familys are their main concern? I have been in a couple of unions and they both sold us out (UAW Region 1 and International Assoc of Machinest and Areospace Workers) here in Michigan. some of the B.S. they pulled is nutty for example the UAW took all the workers in our plant (viper body production) and assigned us to a local that was over 50 miles away! when there were half a dozen other locals with in 5 miles and guess where all elections were held? :scratch: The shop (union) stewards were all golf buddies with management (read *** kissers) and always just blew smoke up your butt whenever there was a grivence to be addressed and never corrected the issue properly. In my own personal experince the term UNION is another term for Legalized Crime against YOU. I left that scene (unions) a few years ago and even my family has noticed a big change in me as I am happier not as quick to be on the defence and all in all a nicer person to be around. :thumleft: I would rather beg for spare change on the corner than return to that kind of abuse again. Now anyone who advocates for the unions have every right to do so and I hope they dont experince the crap I did for 20 years. But if you can sit there and eat what they are feeding you and say thank you...you deserve the ulcers you develop. Solidarity my ***. People are just to afraid to lose their jobs anymore than to stand up for whats right. its more like orginized slavery in the union. sorry but I have been very passonate about this for a long time and still get riled up when I hear about it. :shaking: They will always take advantage of the workforce as long as the workforce allows them to. Dont let them pit you against each other as you will for sure lose what little you may have now. Good Luck!! :salut: Thanks for letting me vent (I gonna have a beer and settle down) :drunken: