To spray or not to spray

I ran it. I like it. It's a great lower cost option. To a point. only the initial cost is "cheaper". A better porting job lets say is $1000 more than what you have to spend, but the NOS kit is $400. So which to buy? The Heads give you power every time, all the time. The NOS will when under boost. But, the boost is used up fast. In one summer of one bottle a week, I'll spend (well, did spend. It's more $$ now) that $1000 on chemical alone. So at teh end of one summer, I've spent $1400 and still got no juice left. Saying "it sucks because I broke once" is a very limited my rules: Never buy a used kit unless you know the seller real well. Never buy anything older than 2 years. Never run lean...ever. The biggest issue with solenoids sticking is not solenoids, but debris in the system getting stuck in them. I've also seen 100hp kits blow an engien becuase nobody flushed the debris from the fuel hose, and the holes in the bar got plugged. That makes a fire