Loosing Faith.

Just today, I was in the right lane on a 4 lane road. A lady in the left lane had stopped about 25 feet from the intersection on a well traveled road, and was motioning a pedestrian to cros in front of her. She had no stop sign and there was no cross walk. As I approached at 35 MPH, I could barely make out what she was doing, and that the path and speed of the pedestrian would put him right in front of me when I passed the other car, and could tell that he could not see me because his view was obstructed by her car.

I had to stop much sooner than I was comfortable with, and as soon as the pedestrian was clear of me, and I had resumed moving forward, the lady in the first car darted into my lane, and I had to stop short again.

When we finally reached the intersection, I looked over with a menacing glance, and could see she was tapping on some kind of electronic device.

This person endangered me twice and almost caused the death of another party, all in the span of about 45 seconds. WTF??? COME ON!!!