Veterans On the Board

Not sure if i count or not... usmc joined in highschool shipped to boot shortly after i graduated and recieved a medical diacharge during training due to a birth defect in my hip that according to doctors there "could break his hip if training is continued" complete bs in my opinion because at most it felt like a pulled muscle or something in my groin. I fought to re enlist with a waiver and tried for well over a year to get into any branch i could after the marine corpa continued to turn me down. Finally had to give up hopes of being a marine....... i was in tears when i called mama to tell her i failed at making the family proud.......

I am gonna tell you right now. I don't want to ever hear you say you didn't make your family proud. That's a bunch of bull. I don't even know you but I am proud of you for fighting to stay in. If we had more people that were willing to fight for what they wanted this country wold be better off today. And if it weren't for people fighting for what they wanted this country would be different then it is today as well. You did your best and the Military turned you away. Be proud of that. I am proud of you no matter what. I consider you to be a brother always cause you started and weren't allowed to finish. Once a Marine always a Marine. Be proud and hold your head high.