Wheels Ever Fail?

Evidently you didn't read a THING I posted. I said NOTHING about "ya hafta run" 13s or 14s, and in fact, I mentioned ABODYJOE's wheels as a shining example of "what can look good." AND I think the wheels you show are nice, which to me are in that same styling..

67Dart273, I wasn't singling out your post, or I would've quoted you. Nor did I imply that you insist on everyone running 13s or 14s on their classic cars (although we BOTH know there are plenty of guys out there who feel this way). I actually agree with you on some of the pictures you posted, but others I think look great, like Romeo Furio's "Dust Ya". The reason I don't like some of those cars isn't about wheel size, it's about the total package.

My point is, wheel opinions are subjective, whether we're talking style, size, color, etc. The OP's question was about durability, not whether we agreed with his definition of what "looks cool".